Cogneti training makes you a workplace STAR!

Our certificate program technology will make your learning quicker, your progress more clear, and the results of each quiz/exam assessment will point out just where you need to improve.


State-Approved Online Training Courses


Online Training Solutions for Your Teams


Custom Online Training Solutions


Safe Food Handler
Use this ANSI-ASTM accredited program to meet State and local requirements for food handler certificate program completion.

License Fee:
Responsible Cannabis Agent
Use this ANSI-ASTM accredited program to meet State and local requirements for Responsible Cannabis Agent certificate program.

License Fee :
Safe Food Handler Gamepack
The Gamepack is an optional learning tool and a companion before or after you’ve earned a food handler certificate.

Cogneti Advantage

Cogneti certificate programs have key advantages to make you a top-trained performer in your workplace.

Training Accelerators

Coins & peeks make quizzes excellent memory-building tools. They are endlessly varied and cover all learning points

Progress Meters

The results of all quizzes and exams are used by Cogneti skill meters. Skill meters show where you have learning needs.

Assessment Guidance

After each exam you will receive specific guidance on low, medium, and high learning needs.

Long-Lasting Skills

Repeated and active recall is the only proven way of building retaining information through a career.


Our Safe Food Handler app is a great example of
what we can build for your business


Cogneti learning tools

Your Cogneti-based certificate program will give you these competitive advantages, based on mobile-first design, game mechanics, and ANSI-ready analysis tools.
  • Simple install and access
  • Self-guided engagement
  • Effective recall drill
  • Clear skill assessment
  • Useful and accurate exam reports
  • Certificate tools
  • Continuous program improvement
  • Timely instruction updates
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